International Union of Cycloclimbers

Since September 21, 2002 the INTERNETIONAL UNION OF CYCLOCLIMBERS is a reality.
Our associations was founded to provide a new opportunities to aggregations for cyclists who choose to go uphill free and without constraints. Our guiding principles is very simple:
- Believe in cycling in total freedom, without age limits and conditionings
- The search for the new pass will not be a source of exasperation and unpleasant and unnecessary discussions, but a pretext and stimulus for new targets.
- Our aim is to establish a group of people, possibly friends, whit “real intention cycling” and we want to cycle for pleasure go together, avoiding any kind of competition. The agonist and those who consider themselves “race” or worse still those who consider the bicycle as a tool to assert their superiority, is not welcome in our Club.
- We will avoid classifications developed based on the number of passes climbed. Our associates lists appear only strictly in order alphabetical achieve, the new climb should be a personal satisfaction.
- Our main goal will be to foster the organization of outings, meetings, of course, always travels by bicycle; pride will promote cycling activities, while respectful of the prerequisites basis of our aggregation (going uphill), is available to all members.
Tullio Pavanelli - President International Union of Cycloclimbers



Art. 1 - We establish a non-profit cycling Group called: UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLOSCALATORI The Group brings together cyclists who wish to practice cycling activities.


Art. 2 - The duration is unlimited, but the group may be dissolved at any time and moment, by the will of the Extraordinary Meeting in accordance with the procedures described in Art. 22.


Art. 3 - The Group has no profit. The Group exists to work in the fields of recreation, tourism and sports, excluding any form of cycling competition.


Art. 4 - The cyclists will have climbed at least a pass at an altitude of over 2,000 meters will seek its admission to U.I.C.
Art. 5 - The number of members is unlimited. Can be join the Group all people who share the aims of Group and are moved by a spirit of solidarity. To be admitted to membership must make a written request for membership, engaging in the observance of the Internal Rules and the decision take by corporate bodies, to be accepted by the Board and pay the membership fee. Members participate actively in the activities held and are entitled to vote:
– approval and amendments to the Statutes and Regulations;
– the nomination of Board of Directors.
Art. 6 - All members of age are entitled to vote and be elected, each member may cast only one vote. It’s admitted the vote by written authorization for a maximum of three proxies per member present.
Art. 7 - The status of Associate Membership shall terminate by death, for voluntary withdrawal, for serious reasons in the judgement of the Board or for failure than previously indicated.The membership lasts for one calendar year, so the membership request must be renewed every year by January by filling out the appropriate form on the website on the “join us” page. The exclusion is decided by the Board after having heard the explanations of the member who may request that the decision by referred to the shareholders.


Art. 8 - To be valid, the pass should be indexed in the national catalogs approved by U.I.C. The pass must be climbed by byke. Will be counted only once.
Art. 9 - The mountain pass must meet the definition of passage orography: marked depression between two peaks which connects the valley to the other hydrographic valley.
Art. 10 - Pass is not indexed: it requires members to report any road pass that have climbed personally and not yet appear on the latest edition of the respective national catalogues. His presentation will be accompanied by the sending of official documents (maps of the municipal or provincial or regional technical offices), photocopies of maps and photograph of the site. The must match the definition given in Article 9. Pass dispute: it requires members to report any pass UIC indexed on national catalogs that do not correspond to definition given in Article 3. The UIC Board will investigate the problem and will know his decision and the arguments to the annual Meeting.
Art. 11 - The International Union of Cycloclimbers grants his trust to the honesty of riders who enjoy sport and biking. Each pass said “climbed” by a member of UIC is considered as really climbed.
Art. 12 - Each year by december, 31 members interested in counting the climbed passes must submit the list of new passes climbed in the season. There is no obligation to have your own list of the climbed passes. It is sufficient to report only one over 2000 m. pass required for admission to the U.I.C.
Art. 13 - The lists will be verified and approved by the Secretariat of the Group (or his representative), who reserved the right to eliminate the passes not recognized as described by Articles 8 and 9.
Art. 14 - Each new member will receive his diploma numbered and personalized,
Art. 15 - Each member undertakes on their honour that to respect this Rules. Membership application constitutes the signature of commitment.


Art. 16 - The Assembly is convened by the Board at least once a year, usually on the occasion of a cycling/tourist meeting between members. It will appoint the Executive Council, decides on the topics related to management of the Group, reserved to them by this rules, or referred to him by the Board. The Assembly must be convened in extraordinary form, through the form of information deemed most appropriate. The notice must contain: the agenda, place, date, time, and eventually the meeting date, time and place of the second call.
Art. 17 - The Assembly is validly constituted whatever the numbers of participants and decides by absolute majority of votes on all matters on the agenda.
Art. 18 - The ordinary and extraordinary Assembly is chaired by a President elected from among the participants in the Assembly itself. The President of Assembly nominates the Secretary.
Art. 19 - The Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of three to a maximum of seven members chosen from among the members. Members of a Board of Directors shall serve for a period of two years, unless surrendered, revoked, or other cause of termination. The substitute will be the first non-elected.
Art. 20 - All offices are absolutely free, except for reimbursement of expenses incurred in carrying out their duties, which must be documented and authorized by the Assembly and distributed among the members.
Duties of the Board of Directors are:
- nominate the President, the Vice-President and other institutions;
- decide on acceptance of new members or the exclusion of members in arrears, defaulted or judged contrary to the Group;
- gather as often as necessary, also on the web, to deliberate on matters within its competence, to ensure proper administration and transparency of the Group;
Art. 21 - For the validity of the meetings of the Board of Directors is required the majority of the members in office and resolutions are adopted by a majority of those present.


Art. 22 - The dissolution of the Group must be resolved with the majorities required in an extraordinary meeting.


The general correspondence relating the Association shall be addressed to the President or the secretary.
Contact details are available on the website

Act of Constitution of the International Union of Cycloclimbers

Today september 21, 2002 in Tortona - place Pozzolo Formigaro - Hotel Carrettino, U.I.C. (International Union of Cycloclimbers) meeting, are present:
Di Rosso, Rossini, Bafico, Pagani, Colombo, Grifone, Regano, Moro, Bianchi Pinotti, Santa, Boldrin, Campostano, Dejace, Forelli, Pavanelli, Del Frate (2), Pesce, Guida.
Start the report of the President of the Assembly Mr Di Rosso: it concerns the mode of formation of our Association and its motivation, (at the same time arrives Mrs Perna); that about what is really desired this Association and the various organizational possibilities of the working. (at the same time arrives Mr Albretti).
It is shown that the number of members is growing and Mr Rossini assumed that within the current year we can reach to quota 100. Shows the need to find the way to meet several times for year, both for cycling meetings, both for the better organization. (at the same time arrives Mr La Sala)
We move the report on the end point of the meeting of Arco (TN) and occurs the non-mandatory nature of tax obligations and legal at all, while you list the steps required:
1) Data sheet member; including consent to the collection of personal data and be held harmless during the meetings, with respect to the application form is inserted: “I am aware that several cycling meetings are by personal participation, each under its direct responsibility”.
2) Constituent Instrument and Articles of Association (attached), it reads the draft for make the opportune verifications.
3) Rules (attached); they occur some idea of change, but since it was passed by the Assembly at Arco, it was decided to maintain it.
We move to the choice of the uniform, determining that the details will be defined in a Executive Board.
The Assembly elects the members of the Executive Board giving the directorships:
President: Mauro Di Rosso
Vice president: Jules Dejace
Secretary: Georges Rossini
Assistant Secretary: Carlo Grifone
Treasurer: Flavio Pagani
External Relations: Emanuele Bafico
Head of Technical Committee: Carlo Colombo
The Assembly was closet at 13:15. Here are the original signatures of:
Mauro Moro, Pietro Bianchi Pinotti, Flavio Pagani, Franco Regano, Angiolino Boldrin, Renzo Campostano, Jules Dejace, Caterina Del Frate, Sandro Del Frate, Waldemar Albretti, Giuseppe Guida, Emanuele Bafico, Maurizio La Sala, Tullio Pavanelli, Mauro Di Rosso, Enzo Santa, Carmen Perna, Georges Rossini, Carlo Colombo, Tullio Fiorelli, Carlo Grifone.