If ......

... if you are a passionate about bycicle, ... if just see a climb feel the irresistible need to see how the view from up there and what’son the other side, ... if you feel the need to share with others the pleasure of cycling, sweat, toil, ascending and descending, ... if your family talking about you (husband, wife, children, parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins)say: he is a good man, a golden girl, a good person, however with the bicycle, always around, and for more on the mountain, mahhh!?!, if not knows better I would say that something is wrong, ... if for you a hill is a hill, a mountain pass is a mountain pass, a sign-board is a sign-board, ... if you at least once have managed to climb by bycicle a mountain pass over 2000 meters of altitude,

then ......

you can join the International Union of Cycloclimbers - U.I.C. very easily:
Send the list of climbed MOUNTAIN PASSES

Subscription form

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Complete it and send by mail to the Secretary UIC at the address printed on the form at the top right.
Or compile the online registration form

List of Passes

Download and print the document
Complete it and send by mail to the Secretary UIC.
